“I received the Time capsule book yesterday.  Thank you.  I had
never thought of writing stuff like this down before so it has set me to
thinking.  I have a lot of stories, word of mouth, passed down from
grandmothers that will dispensary when I am gone.
Here (your journal) is a place to put those thoughts down.  My grandfather was the handler of Jumbo the
elephant who would only work to push wagons out of the mud if he was
bribed with a swig of whiskey and a chaw of tobacco.  He later became a
blacksmith and was shot in the back at the dinner table one night.  My
other grandmother traveled across the plains in a covered wagon, lived
in a soddy, and a younger brother died from a spider bite.  All this was
word of mouth stories I was told as a kid”.
Please note that this journal is designed to encourage you to record your own memories.
So, except for a few sample questions and answers, the journal is empty of content.
Like always, I invite your questions and comments.
In the meantime I wish you and yours a peaceful and blessed Christmas Season.