My book cover designer, (yes, it is Chris Haas, again, she is a multi talented lady) informed me that she designed a new book cover for our upcoming paper back edition.
She also decided to replace our current cover for the Ebook with the newly designed one.
I really like her art work and if you have any comments about it, please feel free to express yourself.
Personally, I never picked up a book because of it’s “Cover Art Work”, but, the experts tell me that before a book is bought, it has to be picked up by the buyer. (sounds obvious?) Anyway, these experts furthermore assert that about 80 % of the books being picked up are being selected because of the book’s cover. (Really?)
So, who am I to argue? I am happy to keep on writing and leave the rest up to people who know more about the intricacies of book publishing.
But, I do like the new cover. A lot.
My uncle was an American airman who ended up as a POW in WWII. His camp was liberated by the Russians, and he had to find his own way west to the American lines. So, this period of history has always fascinated me, both the good and bad parts of it. I really enjoyed “Loyal To A Degree”, and am looking forward to “Trust To A Degree”. Thanks for sharing your story.
Neil Neuwirth
Hello Neil,
Thank you for your comment.
Yes, I can imagine that it was not easy for your uncle to reach the American lines.
I have no way of knowing about the difference between the American Army. and the Russian army of today.But 65 years ago there was simply no comparison.
The western armies were civilized. The Russian army was in an unbelievable array, because it was commanded by military officers and political Kommissars. All of them greedy and competing with each other.
My second book describes some of the details.
Thanks for buying my book and for your kind comment..
Let’s stay in touch.