Starting The next Book

This morning started with a broken water hose, or something leaking from our van’s radiator  I needed to get chicken food and filled 20 milk cartons with water and proceeded to the repair shop.  Naturally, I received a few ‘fingers’ when I had to...

First Book – Almost Done

Well, I think that I finished writing my first book.  Yesterday, on Sunday, I finished the last chapter.  I will let it “sit” for a day and review it before I send it on to my editor. I also reviewed the whole book and I find that there are many things...

Remembering vs Reliving ?

So, here I am writing about 1945, a time frame that was 68 years ago and I “discovered” a few interesting things.  They are interesting because they are very real and I did not have a clue about them when I started my book.  Please give me some leeway here, when I...